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Life, Love

Life Changing Moments

Life-Changing Moments


19 years ago my boy took his last breath.

Last Wednesday marked the 19th year of life AB (after Braith). The pivotal moment of the release of the first Melinda and the birth of the second.

The significant moment to choose to be more.

Some people look at you like you shouldn’t still be banging on about it 19 years later.  It’s only because they don’t understand. And that’s ok.

This huge loss created the biggest shift in my life.

I shared with my family last Wednesday, as we set free his Iris in the place of our final goodbyes,

‘Still to this day, no one has impacted me more than my boy’

Although only 7 months short in the flesh, it’s a lifetime of connection to my angel that I’m beyond grateful for.


I’m beyond grateful for our experience together, even though it was so hard watching you struggle.

I’m beyond grateful you taught me how to truly love

I’m beyond grateful you chose me to hold you in your most delicate and vulnerable moments.

I’m beyond grateful you helped me hold space for my family when they went through their moment of greatest loss and sadness.

I’m beyond grateful that I feel you guiding me forward.


Every loss, heartache, and struggle we endure, creates a tiny glimmering moment of choice… choose to feel victimized and down on life.

Or choose to rise above and allow yourself to be guided and held and completely feel the power of any experience.

This weird and wonderful life is tough. It’s relentless. But it’s guiding us home.

To who we were born to be ?


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