Phone us : 0422 855 926

Mid-life Boom


Naturopathic Support, Nutrition & Recipes, Empowerment and Education, Exercise Advice for a monthly cost of...


Monthly Topics

Each month we will have a topic to focus on. I will educate you during a live talk in our group.

Each topic will include actions you can take to improve that area of your life (recipes, exercise programs or breathwork etc).

You can request a topic you want to learn about. Expect to learn about; your hormones, nutrition, movement, spirituality & lifestyle hacks.


Online Courses

There's plenty of material for you access.

From online courses to yoga, workouts and meditations.

We'll continue to add to this library as we go.




Access to a group page where you can post all your questions for me anytime.

I will get back to you within 48 hours.

You can also benefit from other people's questions and share stories & tips.

You'll be surprised how many people are going through what you are, and knowing this, can be healing and helpful.



Naturopathic Support, Nutrition & Recipes, Empowerment and Education, Exercise Advice for only...

Women are adaptable and resilient but our hormones can seem to have a mind of their own.

Sometimes it feels like they're ruling how we feel, the shape of our body, energy levels, self-esteem... and even our sleep.

There are so many products out there to support you with the symptoms of hormone imbalances and the natural changes through life, but where do you start?

Get more sleep, you're told. But your hot flashes keep waking you up! 

Exercise more they say... but you have barely any energy to do daily activities (or a thumping head). 

Did you ever wonder WHY your hormones are changing?

Do you know why you get headaches or restricted energy?

I would like to teach you the reasons behind the symptoms, so you can start seeing them as signals from your body instead of complete nuisances.

Menopause as an example, is an enlightening and transformative time in your life... there are great changes taking place in your brain that help you focus, and spiritually, you're at a peak for tapping into wisdom and connecting to yourself in a whole new way.

This is how we boom instead of going into crisis... learning what these super powers are, and how to embody them.




If you decide the Membership isn't for you, then you can cancel your subscription renewal. Canceling the Membership renewal prevents your payment method from being charged again when your monthly or annual subscription ends. You’ll continue to be able to access and benefit from the Membership (including the private Facebook group) through the last day of your subscription.