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Food Intolerance Testing

Do You Feel Off?

Do you ever feel like something just isn’t right with your health? You look after yourself. You eat healthy, get loads of beauty sleep and drink plenty of H2O. Yet, you’re not feeling the best that you could.

How often do you hear that someone is gluten or dairy intolerant? Probably a lot!
According to Food Intolerance Australia 3 in 4 people are intolerant to dairy, 1 in 3 to yeast, 1 in 7 to gluten and 1 in 3 to fructose (sugar).

What are the symptoms?

Feeling bloated, lethargic, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, stiff joints and back pain are just some of the symptoms you can experience. If you’ve experienced any of these and can’t figure out what’s causing it, maybe it’s time you explore food intolerances.

Why does it happen?

Food intolerances stem from the inability to completely digest food. But be aware!!! Food intolerance should not be confused with a food allergies. The difference is that food intolerance occurs when the body has a chemical reaction to our food or drink. Whereas, a food allergy occurs when the immune system has a response to certain food.

What foods are we most commonly intolerant to?

The most common foods people are intolerant to are; dairy, wheat and sugars. Overtime our diets have changed and things like additives and flavour enhancers (MSG) have been hidden in our foods, which can also trigger food intolerances.

How can we help you?

At Redhead Wellness Sanctuary we offer food intolerance tests for everyone! A food intolerance test will test 59 commonly eaten foods through a small blood sample. After 40 minutes you will then know what foods you are intolerant to and whether you have a mild or severe intolerance. After you have taken the test our Naturopath Simone will guide you through what to do next so you can start feeling the best, healthiest version of YOU!

Once you correctly identify food intolerance and manage it, you can find relief with more energy and less symptoms. So don’t wait any longer, start feeling your best today! Cost: $310.00 includes test and your consultation with our Naturopath Simone – please note this price has dropped due to the food intolerance kit lowering in price.  Results will be give to you the same day.

Appointments with Simone are available


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<strong>Melinda Love Life /Naturopath and Fitness Leader</strong>
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