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Thanks Dad xo

Let me take you back…   I was ten years old, lying in bed the night before a big dance competition with nervous jitters in my tummy. My Dad came to tuck me in, like he would most nights, and I told him I felt sick that I would make a mistake on stage tomorrow.   He said “Bubs, you practise your dances every day, I see you. Your worry is just your mind playing tricks on you” I leaned in to listen, I always felt reassured by my Dad. “If you see yourself doing your dances perfect in your … Read More

Change Bad Habits With Mindfulness Meditation Exercises

Habits are those dirty little rituals that creep into our life if we do them frequently enough and associate pleasure with the activity. All habits differ in consequences, but the nasty ones impact our lives negatively. Often, these stem from lack of awareness or self-observation.Some may find it harder to stop repeating bad habits than others for many reasons, mostly to do with the chemical structure and wiring of our brains. When there is a desire to shift away from habits we can sometimes strengthen them as we focus too much on “giving it up” and as we put thought … Read More

What You Need to Know About Guided Meditation for Emotional Healing

Some people might already be aware that there is no one clear way to meditate. However, they are still frustrated because they feel that it is all so unclear and they still feel so lost. They search with their friend Dr. Google only to be bombarded by all the results they have to go through. And then, they give up on the whole thing in the end. This might be a sign that you are already at a very flustered point in life and every day is already a whirlwind of negative emotions. What you need is a bit of … Read More

Tools & Tips for Practicing Meditation in our Modern World

Tools & Tips for Practicing Meditation in our Modern World A common misconception about meditation is that it is a lengthy, time-consuming and impossible activity that can only be done on mountaintops (or at least close to nature). And while nature is a wonderful place for spiritual reconnection, meditation can be as easily done in other places like your office! It is not time-consuming either. Ten minutes of zen time can do wonders for your busy day. The goal of meditation is not to shut your mind down or empty it completely. We are simply trying to quiet down the … Read More


Meditation If it is good enough for Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Seinfeld, and Kobe Bryant, then it is good enough for all of us. Aside from being prolific and successful in their respective fields, these three have something even more admirable. A deep connection to who they are. How did they get it?? Meditation. Meditation is an ancient tradition practiced by different cultures throughout history. Make no mistake, though. Meditation isn’t just for monks living on tranquil mountains and religious leaders with no daily grind. Meditation was and still is, the cornerstone of my personal transformation from a head-spinning control freak … Read More