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Thanks Dad xo


Let me take you back…


I was ten years old, lying in bed the night before a big dance competition with nervous jitters in my tummy.

My Dad came to tuck me in, like he would most nights, and I told him I felt sick that I would make a mistake on stage tomorrow.


He said “Bubs, you practise your dances every day, I see you. Your worry is just your mind playing tricks on you” I leaned in to listen, I always felt reassured by my Dad. “If you see yourself doing your dances perfect in your mind then you’ll do them perfect tomorrow. Close your eyes and do your whole dance in your mind start to finish. Do it perfectly”


I did what he said, I saw myself owning that stage, nailing my routines one by one.


I opened my eyes and he said, “Feel better?” and I did. I felt calm and reassured.


The next day I returned home late at night with my Mum, the only one willing to endure twelve hours of dashing on and off stage with me, carrying seven trophies. I’d never come home with that many accolades before.


My smile was beaming ear to ear with pride and more importantly, I didn’t feel nervous side stage like I normally would. I had a quiet confidence which made the day so much more enjoyable for my ten-year-old self.


And that was my first experience of meditation. It blew mind that this stuff really worked.


I’ve since dabbled with all sorts of inner work. From reflective meditations, mystical meditations, transformational processes, regressions, progressions and everything between.

In this weeks Collective, I want to share this beautiful experience with you.

A practise that’s non-negotiable in my life.

A tool that has calmed my farm from childish outbursts, helped me centre myself in conflict and was the cornerstone to my healing from depression.


I use meditation for EVERYTHING. We start our team meetings with meditation, I use it to fall asleep at night, wake in the morning and use it before any speaking event and to write.


We’ll get all zen together and find that special space within. Where the world is light and easy. Bliss.


See you at the Collective


Big love,


Melinda xo

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