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What You Need to Know About Guided Meditation for Emotional Healing

Some people might already be aware that there is no one clear way to meditate. However, they are still frustrated because they feel that it is all so unclear and they still feel so lost. They search with their friend Dr. Google only to be bombarded by all the results they have to go through. And then, they give up on the whole thing in the end. This might be a sign that you are already at a very flustered point in life and every day is already a whirlwind of negative emotions. What you need is a bit of guided meditation for emotional healing. Like all forms of meditation, it also has variations. However, all types of meditation for emotional healing share the same purpose: to filter out the heavy emotions that are weighing you down and piling on the anxiety of your thoughts. That said, knowing this goal can help you get a solid, universal understanding of what you need to do free yourself from the emotional typhoon and focusing on your meditation practise. It can help you understand common, well-known techniques such as:

1. Deep, controlled breaths

Emotional stress has a clear tendency for shortness of breath. Whether you are feeling sad, angry, or depressed, taking control of your breathing is a good step towards taking control of yourself. Some doctors suggest breathing in for four seconds and then breathing out for eight. Others will suggest deep, 10-second breaths. Pick one that is comfortable to you and just breathe.

2. Confronting, not dwelling

This might be where a lot of people start getting lost. But like meditation in general, the goal is not to stop your mind but rather disconnecting with the thoughts. If some thought has this powerful, emotional charge, then you shouldn’t suddenly try hard to stop your mind. Rather, you should just be aware! Awareness and knowing that you are thinking is always the key. It is good to acknowledge about how a thought makes you feel but don’t get caught up in it!

3. Letting go.

Lastly, the most well-known (and most important) principle in this kind of meditation is the idea of release. Once you have gotten your breathing under control and are aware of how you feel, just let it go. Understand that a thought that fills you with emotion is still a thought. Once you realize that it is just a thought, you can start to disconnect and go back to your truest self. Having no ultimate guide to something like meditation is frustrating and that is understandable when you enjoy a clear sense of direction. However, frustration itself is already a sign that stress is getting in the way of your inner peace. The good thing about knowing the basics is that you don’t have to spend your time looking around for the ‘right way.’ It can be enough to know that emotional healing starts with taking a nice, deep breath, acknowledging what you are feeling and then just let it go. Take your time and try that today! You are sure to feel less anxious from all the negative emotions in your life.

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